Jan 25, 2023Liked by Dani Cirignano

YES! Thank you, Dani. I can relate to ALL of this - from recalling the unique sound of dial up AOL to today feeling that I HAVE to do social media as a small business owner (while also knowing that it makes me feel bad and icky - like my brain is all gummed up with junk). UGH. In a serendipitous move, just yesterday I took Instagram and Facebook off my phone. My plan is to only interact with them when I am in dedicated office hours on my computer. We'll see how that goes. The algorithims won't be on my side, but I imagine I'll be happier - and also wondering how to spend my free time. I'll start by starring out the window at the trees for inspiration. And looking for more insightful essays from you. :)

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I'm doing the same thing (re: - only looking at these things on my desktop).

I turn 39 on March 13th and I'm mulling over a year sabbatical. Feels major, and I worry that I'll *miss* important things...but I'm not convinced we actually need to be on here, I think these companies have just bamboozled us into thinking we won't be as successful without them.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Dani Cirignano

💯 to all of this. I’m so tired of scrolling and I’m nowhere near the addiction levels of my peers.

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SO tired! UGH

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Gen X here...I held off getting a cellphone until I was 34 (2011). I knew I'd be thoroughly addicted to it. I was right. I quit IG last fall and reading and writing on Substack feels so much better on my brain, and my nervous system in general. This was after multiple rounds of abstaining for one month, then two, then three...then: why the hell not. My whole life, I've spent hours of my day outside, but still found myself trapped in an addictive cycle with scrolling. I feel free. It's a huge relief.

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not one person I know who has left social media regrets it. I'm almost there.

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We are in a very similar place. (Even back to being elder millennials together.) My job requires it -- I don’t think I desire it anymore. I am taking as much time off social media for Lent, and loving it. I have COVID right now and another me would have re-downloaded the apps for the scroll -- because what else am I going to do? -- but I genuinely don’t want it. I’m watching silly shows and movies and letting that be. But I don’t have the massive following either: so I fear I won’t be able to pay the rent. Phew. All this to say: we are together in this. ❤️

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hearing you <3 and COVID?! ugh.

glad to know i'm not alone in this weird ass boat <3

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